Where exactly is “there”?

The following entry is a ‘reblog’ from my blog on http://www.goabroad.net called Gullible’s Travels. Feel free to share it with as many people as you like!!

Perhaps this blog entry is more for my own geographical education than yours, but I decided that it might be worthwhile showing you exactly where in the world I am. If you look through the pictures you will see a world map that clearly marks Spain (which is the country I am currently in.

The next picture marks the city – Barcelona, which is pretty close to France and Andorra (where some of my new friends and I went camping and hiking last weekend… But more about that later) In fact – when I was on top of the mountain in Andorra I could see the tip of the Eiffel tower!!

And on the last map you will see exactly where in the city my apartment block is. It’s extremely close to Antoni Gaudi’s famous La Sagrada Familia. So close that I have seen it about a dozen times and still every time I see it it moves me so I get all tingly and mesmerized by his genius. I’ve also marked the well-known party street La Rambla, which is home to a gazillion bars and pubs and clubs and restaurants and basically anything and everything you can think of. It’s the craziest, busiest street I have ever seen and the first time I went there I was completely overwhelmed.

I live with Enrique and Luisa in a four bedroom apartment. Enrique is another Adelante intern from the United States and Luisa is our somewhat eccentric but extremely sweet and caring host mother. She often invites us to have lunch and supper with her and then we have the most interesting conversations because she only speaks Spanish and I only speak English.

The apartment is huge with big airy rooms and large windows, letting in heaps and heaps of sunlight. We’re on the fifth floor (which actually means the sixth because they started counting at zero – I know this because I took the stairs one day and couldn’t get into the apartment… After struggling for what felt like hours a disgruntled old man opened the door and pointed out my error).


My bedroom.

Living Room.

Entrance hall.

The bathroom.

All around me are shops and supermarkets that stay open till about 9 or 10 pm in the evening. Propped in between the supermarkets is an array of hair salons, pastry shops and bars – lots and lots of bars. The closest Metro station to me is the Sant Pau/ Dos de Maig station and takes about 10 to 15 minutes to get to by foot. The subway system is SO easy and can literally take you anywhere you want to go in Barcelona, so there is no excuse for not seeing as much of the city as possible.

Hasta luego, amigos!

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